Activ8 Kids

We create environments and experiences that excite kids about their faith.

Sundays at 8:30, 9:50, and 11:15am

We are called Activ8 Kid’s Ministry because we want to see kids activated in their faith and fully activated to know Christ! Activated in prayer, praise, worship, the Word, service, and more!

Nursery: Birth through 2 years
Activ8 Junior: 3 years to Kindergarten
Activ8: 1st through 6th grade

Pastor Randy

Children's Ministry Pastor

Pastor Nick

Children's Assistant Pastor

“Each age group, from youngest to oldest, receives age-appropriate teaching while establishing relationships with children and workers. It’s current. It’s contemporary. It’s kid-focused.”

- Pastor Randy

Join the Team!

Are you interested in helping with our kid’s ministry? If you have a passion for seeing kids learn about God, and you want to have some fun in the process, then click the button below!