
Strong marriages glorify God, exemplify God’s love for His Church and leave godly legacies that will point others to Him.

Healthy marriages require intentional effort. Explore the resources on this page to improve your relationship!

Marriage Mentoring

Sometimes couples need someone to walk alongside them. We have trained mentor couples who care deeply about seeing your marriage be all that God intended it to be. Click the button to fill out a questionnaire to find your Marriage Mentors today!

If you would like to help other couples in their marriage, please consider volunteering to become a marriage mentor. This doesn’t mean you have to have a marriage free of past trials — as a matter of fact this is your opportunity to use those experiences to help others. Not only does it feel good helping others, it continues to enrich and grow your own marriage.

Getting Married

If you are a regular attendee of Hillside Church and you would like to be married at the church, you must read our wedding policy before filling out the application.

If you would like to be married by one of our pastors at an offsite location, simply fill out the application. 

Steve & Brianne

Marriage Ministry Leaders