Hillside Church Family,

Hillside Church Family,
In various games and competitions, opponents are always looking for openings or weak spots where their opponents are vulnerable. Places through which they can pass or go through that will help them achieve and leverage their goals and their mission.
For example, businesses are looking for “openings,” which they call “opportunities.” These openings or opportunities allow them to develop and grow their businesses. In football, an offense is always looking for holes or weak spots in the defense, that they can exploit or take advantage of so they can score. So, whether in business or football, these “openings” lead to opportunities, that allow them to fulfill their mission.
Well, as a church, we too are on a mission. Our mission is not self-appointed or self- declared. Rather, our mission is God ordained. Jesus Christ gave the Church this mission and He commissioned us to fulfill it. He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” In essence Jesus was saying, “Go build my Church, my Kingdom! Go everywhere and spread the good news!” So, that’s what we do. And we do it by looking for “openings” or “doorways” that lead to opportunities for us to fulfill our God ordained mission.
In Revelation 3:8, Jesus said, “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.”
Friends, I believe Jesus has placed an “open door” around us as well, and it’s the door of opportunity! And if we will be brave enough, dedicated enough, and willing enough to step through these doors that He opens, I believe they will ultimately build His Kingdom. That’s the goal and the mission of this church, and Kingdom Builders is the vehicle that drives our mission’s heart through generous giving that goes above-and-beyond the tithe.
Our theme this year is, “Doors,” because when we look around, we see WIDE OPEN DOORS of opportunity for a great work everywhere! And God is inviting us to step through them! Together let’s dream and pray that God would direct us to these open doors of great opportunities that would build His Kingdom.
Someone once said that “You can’t out-give God.” The longer I live and the more I personally lean into this in my own life, the more I experience this to be true. The more I surrender to God the more He blesses me and uses me.
1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Let’s live our lives in a way that bring glory of God, and together let’s do something glorious for him as well! Together let’s work to build His Kingdom!
Pastors Mark & Amy Miltimore
In various games and competitions, opponents are always looking for openings or weak spots where their opponents are vulnerable. Places through which they can pass or go through that will help them achieve and leverage their goals and their mission.
For example, businesses are looking for “openings,” which they call “opportunities.” These openings or opportunities allow them to develop and grow their businesses. In football, an offense is always looking for holes or weak spots in the defense, that they can exploit or take advantage of so they can score. So, whether in business or football, these “openings” lead to opportunities, that allow them to fulfill their mission.
Well, as a church, we too are on a mission. Our mission is not self-appointed or self- declared. Rather, our mission is God ordained. Jesus Christ gave the Church this mission and He commissioned us to fulfill it. He said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” In essence Jesus was saying, “Go build my Church, my Kingdom! Go everywhere and spread the good news!” So, that’s what we do. And we do it by looking for “openings” or “doorways” that lead to opportunities for us to fulfill our God ordained mission.
In Revelation 3:8, Jesus said, “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.”
Friends, I believe Jesus has placed an “open door” around us as well, and it’s the door of opportunity! And if we will be brave enough, dedicated enough, and willing enough to step through these doors that He opens, I believe they will ultimately build His Kingdom. That’s the goal and the mission of this church, and Kingdom Builders is the vehicle that drives our mission’s heart through generous giving that goes above-and-beyond the tithe.
Our theme this year is, “Doors,” because when we look around, we see WIDE OPEN DOORS of opportunity for a great work everywhere! And God is inviting us to step through them! Together let’s dream and pray that God would direct us to these open doors of great opportunities that would build His Kingdom.
Someone once said that “You can’t out-give God.” The longer I live and the more I personally lean into this in my own life, the more I experience this to be true. The more I surrender to God the more He blesses me and uses me.
1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” Let’s live our lives in a way that bring glory of God, and together let’s do something glorious for him as well! Together let’s work to build His Kingdom!
Pastors Mark & Amy Miltimore
Into the Arab World
Hillside Trip to Egypt

Above: The Hillside Team
CAIRO, EGYPT: It's a Thursday night in Cairo, Egypt. Countless cars are navigating the streets outside the Seven Stars mall, all honking intermittently. A man is wiping the dust off his car on the side of the road with an old towel. It's nearly sunset, so the mosque on the corner starts up its call to prayer. The imam's voice begins chanting the Islamic prayer over the low-quality loudspeaker. The city, the cars, the people don't stop; the call to prayer only adds to the din.
Inside a 4 story building across the street, a group of Christians are quietly praying and seeking to hear the whisper of the Lord's voice amidst the clamor outside. It's pre-service prayer time for the All Souls Egypt team.
In October of 2024, Hillside sent a team of 8 to go and serve in Egypt. They were able to participate in this pre-service prayer and then in the full service of the English Fellowship. It's an international church that speaks in English, but has people from all over the world – Western Africa, Western Europe, Egypt to name a few.
Inside a 4 story building across the street, a group of Christians are quietly praying and seeking to hear the whisper of the Lord's voice amidst the clamor outside. It's pre-service prayer time for the All Souls Egypt team.
In October of 2024, Hillside sent a team of 8 to go and serve in Egypt. They were able to participate in this pre-service prayer and then in the full service of the English Fellowship. It's an international church that speaks in English, but has people from all over the world – Western Africa, Western Europe, Egypt to name a few.
Above: 1) The completed stage, 2) the aftermath of a workday, 3) Cindy Romnes paints, 4) Riley Carlson hangs soundproof panels.
The Arab world of Cairo is a different world altogether. Mosques will blast their call to prayer every day, 5 times a day. On Friday – Muslims' sabbath day – the city shuts down almost entirely. When a person is born in Egypt, his/her father's religion is printed on the birth certificate, and it is illegal to change it (from Christian to Muslim is legal, not the other way). To accept Jesus as a Muslim means social exile, imprisonment, or death.
The reality of Islam is a life of wondering whether your good works outweigh your bad, praying to appease a god who makes it clear that he doesn't care for humanity. There is no love from this god, there is no peace or confidence, no assurance of salvation, no rest. This is a far cry from a Savior who walked among us, poured out love sacrificially, and called all who are weary to receive rest from Him.
On two separate occasions, the team had a chance to look over the city and to pray for the gospel to break the stronghold of Islam. Of the 12 million people in Cairo, 86% are legally classified as Muslim, with no legal way to accept the gospel of Jesus. Pray for the team on the ground, and pray also for the Egyptian government to change the laws to make conversion legal.
The reality of Islam is a life of wondering whether your good works outweigh your bad, praying to appease a god who makes it clear that he doesn't care for humanity. There is no love from this god, there is no peace or confidence, no assurance of salvation, no rest. This is a far cry from a Savior who walked among us, poured out love sacrificially, and called all who are weary to receive rest from Him.
On two separate occasions, the team had a chance to look over the city and to pray for the gospel to break the stronghold of Islam. Of the 12 million people in Cairo, 86% are legally classified as Muslim, with no legal way to accept the gospel of Jesus. Pray for the team on the ground, and pray also for the Egyptian government to change the laws to make conversion legal.

Above: Lucas Larson gives a word of encouragement during the Sunday-night Prayer Service.
The heart of this international church is incredible: their vision is to be a full-gospel witness to everybody that God brings across their path. They want to be an empowering and sending church, too. Their hope is that, since they have many nations represented in their people, God will call and raise some of their members to go and testify to their own home nations about the goodness of God.
There's only one problem: they're running out of space – God is bringing increase to their church! So the Hillside team was able to do something to help them out. Their building (which you helped purchase through Kingdom Builders) has a large basement that they dreamed of turning into a sanctuary to fit more people. The Hillside team did some demolition in the space, then built a stage and a sound booth platform as well. Improvements were made in the rest of the building as well; a fresh coat of paint and soundproof panels in the kids room, and a new prayer room for people to seek God.
They hope to be in the basement sanctuary by the end of the calendar year! We are proud to support such an amazing ministry team!
There's only one problem: they're running out of space – God is bringing increase to their church! So the Hillside team was able to do something to help them out. Their building (which you helped purchase through Kingdom Builders) has a large basement that they dreamed of turning into a sanctuary to fit more people. The Hillside team did some demolition in the space, then built a stage and a sound booth platform as well. Improvements were made in the rest of the building as well; a fresh coat of paint and soundproof panels in the kids room, and a new prayer room for people to seek God.
They hope to be in the basement sanctuary by the end of the calendar year! We are proud to support such an amazing ministry team!
Above: 1) The view from Cairo Tower, tallest building in Cairo, 2) The view from the Citadel of Saladin, a fortress on a mountain.
Another Disaster, Another Response
Convoy of Hope

SOUTHEAST US: On September 26, 2024, Hurricane Helene made landfall on the Gulf Coast of Florida as a Category 4 hurricane. In the immediate aftermath, 4 million people from Florida to North Carolina were left without power, and at least 200 people lost their lives (the exact death toll is still not known).
2 days later, Convoy of Hope showed up with relief supplies, food, and water to distribute among the communities. They reported that in Perry, FL, the community was exceptionally glad to see them. Convoy of Hope has been to Perry three times in the last two years. How glad would you be to live there and know that now matter how many times disaster strikes, Convoy of Hope will come to help?
As the days stretched on, it became clear that Helene's path had also devastated Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. So Convoy sent relief to those areas as well, providing critical supplies (like clean water!) that couldn't be secured otherwise.
And then, in the midst of their response to Helene, Convoy of Hope began preparing for the unthinkable: another Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Milton made landfall on October 10, 2024, while Convoy of Hope was still in the Southeast helping relieve the communities affected by Helene.
But they kept pressing on. Another disaster, another response. They did what God has called them to do, what churches like Hillside give so that they can do: they helped and served and comforted and prayed. And they'll continue to do so.
Let's end with an excerpt from Convoy of Hope's website:
2 days later, Convoy of Hope showed up with relief supplies, food, and water to distribute among the communities. They reported that in Perry, FL, the community was exceptionally glad to see them. Convoy of Hope has been to Perry three times in the last two years. How glad would you be to live there and know that now matter how many times disaster strikes, Convoy of Hope will come to help?
As the days stretched on, it became clear that Helene's path had also devastated Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. So Convoy sent relief to those areas as well, providing critical supplies (like clean water!) that couldn't be secured otherwise.
And then, in the midst of their response to Helene, Convoy of Hope began preparing for the unthinkable: another Hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico. Hurricane Milton made landfall on October 10, 2024, while Convoy of Hope was still in the Southeast helping relieve the communities affected by Helene.
But they kept pressing on. Another disaster, another response. They did what God has called them to do, what churches like Hillside give so that they can do: they helped and served and comforted and prayed. And they'll continue to do so.
Let's end with an excerpt from Convoy of Hope's website:
"With Hurricanes Milton and Helene now gone and the storm systems that spawned
them long dissipated, communities throughout the Southeast are left to grapple with the question, “What do we do now?”
Historic flooding, deadly storm surge, and rain that just kept falling left swaths of Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee without power and water for days — in some cases, weeks. It will be months before some residents begin to fully recover.
But Convoy of Hope will be there for the long haul."

Above: The aftermath of Hurricane Helene
Below: A Convoy of Hope aid station
Below: A Convoy of Hope aid station

Building the Kingdom in Minnesota
Central MN Church Plants

Above: the lobby of River of Life Church in St. Joseph, MN
SAUK CENTRE, MN: In early 2024, Pastor Mark received a call from River of Life Church in Sauk Centre, MN. The pastor on the other end started explaining that God was doing something great in Sauk Centre. Their church was experiencing growth, they were in a good rhythm, but God started moving on their hearts for more of their local area to be able to encounter Jesus. It turns out, God was moving on the hearts of some of their staff members, too. And so when the lead pastor at River of Life shared that he wanted to plant not one but TWO churches in their region, God had already lined up people to say yes: Mitch Wall said yes to planting a church in the Belgrade/Brooten/Elrosa (BBE) area, and Tyler Kinser said yes to planting a church in St. Joseph.
Then came the hard reality: they needed funding! So River of Life began calling churches in the area to see if they could get them to fund the new church plants. Their goal was to get 6 churches to give $5000 each in order to help with the first year of operation. When Pastor Mark heard that, it was his turn to say yes.
Both campuses have since gotten off the ground and started to gain momentum. The BBE location has around 50 people attending, all new locals. They are very involved in the community already, doing school events and town festivals. Recently, Pastor Mitch did the kids portion of the community service during the summer town festival. This is a community of about 1300 people, all of whom we pray are able to encounter Jesus through the love of this new church.
The St. Joseph location is also doing great! They've got around 90 people already, including some college students and a portion of the deaf community from the surrounding area. Just like the BBE location, they're very involved in the community already: they made up almost 100% of the volunteers for their town festival this summer, they won their city-wide dodgeball tournament, and they won best float in the parade at their town fall fest. In the words of the executive pastor from the Sauk Centre location: "This location is reaching people like crazy already and is going to take off."
This is what Kingdom Builders is all about: reaching into new areas so that people can encounter Jesus; giving our temporal money towards something eternal; empowering others to do the work that God has called them to do!
Then came the hard reality: they needed funding! So River of Life began calling churches in the area to see if they could get them to fund the new church plants. Their goal was to get 6 churches to give $5000 each in order to help with the first year of operation. When Pastor Mark heard that, it was his turn to say yes.
Both campuses have since gotten off the ground and started to gain momentum. The BBE location has around 50 people attending, all new locals. They are very involved in the community already, doing school events and town festivals. Recently, Pastor Mitch did the kids portion of the community service during the summer town festival. This is a community of about 1300 people, all of whom we pray are able to encounter Jesus through the love of this new church.
The St. Joseph location is also doing great! They've got around 90 people already, including some college students and a portion of the deaf community from the surrounding area. Just like the BBE location, they're very involved in the community already: they made up almost 100% of the volunteers for their town festival this summer, they won their city-wide dodgeball tournament, and they won best float in the parade at their town fall fest. In the words of the executive pastor from the Sauk Centre location: "This location is reaching people like crazy already and is going to take off."
This is what Kingdom Builders is all about: reaching into new areas so that people can encounter Jesus; giving our temporal money towards something eternal; empowering others to do the work that God has called them to do!

Above: The BBE Campus represents their church at a parade in Brooten
So All Can Hear

Above: Justin and Tara Mack, founders of Project42, and their children.
MINNESOTA, 2018: 42% of the world has never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Only 3% of all the missionaries in the world work among this unreached 42%. Of all church resources, only 1% is directed towards missionaries or organizations that work among this 42%.
These are the statistics that were told to Justin and Tara Mack. It was simply too great of an injustice for them to sit idly by; all the people of the world deserve to know that Jesus loves them. So the Macks gathered 42 of their friends and shared this news with them. Together, the Macks and their friends decided they simply couldn't do nothing; at this gathering, they collectively pledged $420,000 to be given to partners on the frontiers of evangelism across the globe. Project42 was born on that night in 2018, and has since grown to include many churches and individuals outside of the original 42.
These are the statistics that were told to Justin and Tara Mack. It was simply too great of an injustice for them to sit idly by; all the people of the world deserve to know that Jesus loves them. So the Macks gathered 42 of their friends and shared this news with them. Together, the Macks and their friends decided they simply couldn't do nothing; at this gathering, they collectively pledged $420,000 to be given to partners on the frontiers of evangelism across the globe. Project42 was born on that night in 2018, and has since grown to include many churches and individuals outside of the original 42.
Project42 is a call to action, to churches and leaders, for the 42% of the global population who lack access to the gospel - no church, no Bible, no missionary, no access.
Project42 is dedicated to changing the future by collaborating with exceptional frontline workers and organizations operating within unreached people groups. Their critical focus areas include missionary mobilization, scripture translation, church planting, creative access (business as mission), compassion, and awareness.
Of all the organizations we partner with and support through Kingdom Builders, Project42 perhaps best captures the heart of Kingdom Builders: we just want to reach the unreached, so that all can have a chance to know Jesus.
You can and should read their full 2024 report by clicking here. We are proud to support such an amazing organization.
Project42 is dedicated to changing the future by collaborating with exceptional frontline workers and organizations operating within unreached people groups. Their critical focus areas include missionary mobilization, scripture translation, church planting, creative access (business as mission), compassion, and awareness.
Of all the organizations we partner with and support through Kingdom Builders, Project42 perhaps best captures the heart of Kingdom Builders: we just want to reach the unreached, so that all can have a chance to know Jesus.
You can and should read their full 2024 report by clicking here. We are proud to support such an amazing organization.
2024 Projects
These are the projects we were able to support/accomplish over the last year!
Convoy of Hope
Provides disaster relief, compassion, and outreach wherever catastrophe strikes. This international organization is known for their quick, effective presence. In 2024, they assisted with many disasters, most notably for us, the hurricanes in the southeast US.
Priority One
Priority One is dedicated to Christian leadership development through the building of Bible training centers around the world. They are committed to raising up a new generation of leaders who are empowered to take the gospel to every nation, tribe, people, and language around the world.
The vision of Project42 is to help raise awareness and resources for the 42% of the world that has little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Project42 carefully identifies and collaborates with some of the very best missionaries and organizations working on the frontlines of the most difficult and dangerous places providing access to those still without access to the gospel.
Lake Geneva Christian Center
An Assemblies of God campground that provides a space for groups and churches to host camps, conferences, and retreats. In 2024, we helped them pay off their new hotel construction!
Speed the Light
This is the Assemblies of God's youth giving program. They provide vehicles and tools for missionaries across the world to access hard-to-reach places and peoples.
KJLY Kinship Radio
This radio station provides a gospel witness via worship and the word over the radio. Located here in our city, their programs are expressly designed to bring glory to Jesus and to help people encounter Him.
Five Sparrows Foster Closet
Through Kingdom Builders, we were able to help this wonderful non-profit get some much-needed supplies. We are going to work with them this next year to help them show the love of Jesus to kids entering foster care.
Provides disaster relief, compassion, and outreach wherever catastrophe strikes. This international organization is known for their quick, effective presence. In 2024, they assisted with many disasters, most notably for us, the hurricanes in the southeast US.
Priority One
Priority One is dedicated to Christian leadership development through the building of Bible training centers around the world. They are committed to raising up a new generation of leaders who are empowered to take the gospel to every nation, tribe, people, and language around the world.
The vision of Project42 is to help raise awareness and resources for the 42% of the world that has little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Project42 carefully identifies and collaborates with some of the very best missionaries and organizations working on the frontlines of the most difficult and dangerous places providing access to those still without access to the gospel.
Lake Geneva Christian Center
An Assemblies of God campground that provides a space for groups and churches to host camps, conferences, and retreats. In 2024, we helped them pay off their new hotel construction!
Speed the Light
This is the Assemblies of God's youth giving program. They provide vehicles and tools for missionaries across the world to access hard-to-reach places and peoples.
KJLY Kinship Radio
This radio station provides a gospel witness via worship and the word over the radio. Located here in our city, their programs are expressly designed to bring glory to Jesus and to help people encounter Him.
Five Sparrows Foster Closet
Through Kingdom Builders, we were able to help this wonderful non-profit get some much-needed supplies. We are going to work with them this next year to help them show the love of Jesus to kids entering foster care.
Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
BGMC is the missions education program for all kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost. They have a two-fold purpose, to reach the children of the world and to create a heart of compassion in kids.
Inner City Christian Ministries
ICCM Life Center is an urban ministry center in Minneapolis, MN, committed to transforming impoverished people through the power of Jesus Christ.
Chi Alpha
This nationwide ministry places missionaries on college campuses. They do outreach, evangelism, and are known for their excellent discipleship.
MN Adult and Teen Challenge
Providing Christian recovery programming for those in Minnesota who have substance-abuse issues. Hillside is a proud sponsor of this ministry, and look forward to helping them with their new building in Garden City!
All Souls Egypt
This is an international church in Cairo, Egypt. We helped them purchase their building, and this year we sent a team to help them renovate that building! We are looking forward to perhaps sending another team back!
Options for Women
In 2024, we gave towards their efforts to present women with all their options regarding pregnancy and birth. Think of all the babies who were given life because of Options' work in Mankato!
Central MN Church Plants
We helped River of Life Church in Sauk Centre plant two new campuses in Belgrade and St. Joseph, MN. They're already gaining traction in their community, and the lost are coming to know Jesus!
AIM Missions Trip
Our youth group took a missions trip to Alaska this last summer. We believe in empowering the next generation to follow the call of God wherever it would lead. Through Kingdom Builders, we were able to provide some money towards each of the students' trips.
BGMC is the missions education program for all kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost. They have a two-fold purpose, to reach the children of the world and to create a heart of compassion in kids.
Inner City Christian Ministries
ICCM Life Center is an urban ministry center in Minneapolis, MN, committed to transforming impoverished people through the power of Jesus Christ.
Chi Alpha
This nationwide ministry places missionaries on college campuses. They do outreach, evangelism, and are known for their excellent discipleship.
MN Adult and Teen Challenge
Providing Christian recovery programming for those in Minnesota who have substance-abuse issues. Hillside is a proud sponsor of this ministry, and look forward to helping them with their new building in Garden City!
All Souls Egypt
This is an international church in Cairo, Egypt. We helped them purchase their building, and this year we sent a team to help them renovate that building! We are looking forward to perhaps sending another team back!
Options for Women
In 2024, we gave towards their efforts to present women with all their options regarding pregnancy and birth. Think of all the babies who were given life because of Options' work in Mankato!
Central MN Church Plants
We helped River of Life Church in Sauk Centre plant two new campuses in Belgrade and St. Joseph, MN. They're already gaining traction in their community, and the lost are coming to know Jesus!
AIM Missions Trip
Our youth group took a missions trip to Alaska this last summer. We believe in empowering the next generation to follow the call of God wherever it would lead. Through Kingdom Builders, we were able to provide some money towards each of the students' trips.
Hillside Stewardship Fund
We have been actively saving towards whatever God might have in store for our church. This is our stewardship of God's call to reach our community.
Standing Stone Ministries
Studies show that Pastors are leaving the ministry in droves, usually due to burn out. Standing Stone provides free counseling to pastors who need somebody to help them get through the work of ministry.
The Love Initiative
Providing benevolence and assistance to local families in need through the giving of gas cards, grocery cards, and more.
Sarreen Ministries
This group provides ministry, outreach, and evangelism to the large Somali population of Minneapolis.
Gentle Shepherd Ministries
This local ministry goes to a place often overlooked by churches: nursing homes. They bring relationship and evangelism in where it doesn't often go.
F.R.E.E International
This organization finds, rescues, and frees children, men, and women who are missing or involved in human trafficking or sex trafficking. They even do school assemblies, training kids to be aware of the signs that somebody they know might be trafficked or that somebody might be targeting themselves or another for trafficking.
South Central Section Church
A local church in our South Central Section of the MN Assemblies of God needed a little extra support this year and, through Kingdom Builders, we were able to provide the support so that this church can continue to testify about Jesus.
We have been actively saving towards whatever God might have in store for our church. This is our stewardship of God's call to reach our community.
Standing Stone Ministries
Studies show that Pastors are leaving the ministry in droves, usually due to burn out. Standing Stone provides free counseling to pastors who need somebody to help them get through the work of ministry.
The Love Initiative
Providing benevolence and assistance to local families in need through the giving of gas cards, grocery cards, and more.
Sarreen Ministries
This group provides ministry, outreach, and evangelism to the large Somali population of Minneapolis.
Gentle Shepherd Ministries
This local ministry goes to a place often overlooked by churches: nursing homes. They bring relationship and evangelism in where it doesn't often go.
F.R.E.E International
This organization finds, rescues, and frees children, men, and women who are missing or involved in human trafficking or sex trafficking. They even do school assemblies, training kids to be aware of the signs that somebody they know might be trafficked or that somebody might be targeting themselves or another for trafficking.
South Central Section Church
A local church in our South Central Section of the MN Assemblies of God needed a little extra support this year and, through Kingdom Builders, we were able to provide the support so that this church can continue to testify about Jesus.
Our Frontline Workers
These are our global workers whom we love and support!
Tyler & Kelly*
Arab World
Jon & Jennifer Dahlager
Costa Rica
Troy & Heidi Darrin
Tom & Susan*
East Africa
Mark & Janie Durene
Don & Dawn Eischens
Mark & Anjali Jones
Allen & Steph*
Central Eurasia
Michael Reini
Arab World
Jon & Jennifer Dahlager
Costa Rica
Troy & Heidi Darrin
Tom & Susan*
East Africa
Mark & Janie Durene
Don & Dawn Eischens
Mark & Anjali Jones
Allen & Steph*
Central Eurasia
Michael Reini
Paul & Robyn Kramer
Dareth & Thida Ly
Luke & Tanya McKinley
Stewart & Nadia*
Arab World
Karl & Sarah Pasche
Charles & Tahnya Porter
Phil & Denise Reed
Michael & Esme*
The Silk Road
Bob & Barb VanWyk
Dareth & Thida Ly
Luke & Tanya McKinley
Stewart & Nadia*
Arab World
Karl & Sarah Pasche
Charles & Tahnya Porter
Phil & Denise Reed
Michael & Esme*
The Silk Road
Bob & Barb VanWyk
Will & Nat*
Central Eurasia
Patrick & Kalyna Stitt
Miles & Brenda*
Arab World
Phil & Katja Zarns
Chris & Monica Delaurentis
Minneapolis, MN [ICCM]
Jody & Wendy Dyess
F.R.E.E. International [USA]
John & Carrie*
Minneapolis, MN [U of M Chi Alpha]
Tim & Rachel Wentz
Mankato, MN [MSU Chi Alpha]
Central Eurasia
Patrick & Kalyna Stitt
Miles & Brenda*
Arab World
Phil & Katja Zarns
Chris & Monica Delaurentis
Minneapolis, MN [ICCM]
Jody & Wendy Dyess
F.R.E.E. International [USA]
John & Carrie*
Minneapolis, MN [U of M Chi Alpha]
Tim & Rachel Wentz
Mankato, MN [MSU Chi Alpha]
* indicates that they serve in sensitive areas. Their names have been changed to protect them from online searches.

2025 Projects
These are organizations with projects that we would like to fund in 2024. Consider them in prayer as you ask God to lead you in your giving!
Priority One
Starting, building, and maintaining Bible Schools for the next generation of pastors all over the world. We would like to help them tackle a building project next year.
Project 42
42% of the world has little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This organization seeks to overcome that issue through mobilization, scripture translation, church planting, and compassion.
5 Sparrows Foster Closet
Some of Hillside's very own have started a registered non-profit business that provides clothing and other needs for children transitioning into foster care. Their goal is to help kids feel seen, known, and loved by Jesus.
Teen Challenge Mankato
Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge is a recovery program for adults and teens that not only helps people in active substance-addiction recovery, but helps them connect with Jesus. Teen Challenge is opening a facility in Garden City, MN, right in our backyard!
Starting, building, and maintaining Bible Schools for the next generation of pastors all over the world. We would like to help them tackle a building project next year.
Project 42
42% of the world has little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This organization seeks to overcome that issue through mobilization, scripture translation, church planting, and compassion.
5 Sparrows Foster Closet
Some of Hillside's very own have started a registered non-profit business that provides clothing and other needs for children transitioning into foster care. Their goal is to help kids feel seen, known, and loved by Jesus.
Teen Challenge Mankato
Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge is a recovery program for adults and teens that not only helps people in active substance-addiction recovery, but helps them connect with Jesus. Teen Challenge is opening a facility in Garden City, MN, right in our backyard!
Convoy of Hope
We will continue to support Convoy of Hope in their disaster relief efforts to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Inner City Christian Ministries
We would like to send a team up to Minneapolis to help ICCM continue their construction of the Life House, an apartment building for those in need.
Hillside Missions Trip 2025
We hope to send a team to help out one of our missionaries in 2025. Stay tuned for more info!
Venture brings relief to refugees fleeing violence, combats human trafficking, oppression & extreme poverty, and brings the hope of the gospel to unsafe, unreached, and under-resourced areas. There are many different ways for our church to get involved with Venture – it's a wide open door!
We will continue to support Convoy of Hope in their disaster relief efforts to be the hands and feet of Christ.
Inner City Christian Ministries
We would like to send a team up to Minneapolis to help ICCM continue their construction of the Life House, an apartment building for those in need.
Hillside Missions Trip 2025
We hope to send a team to help out one of our missionaries in 2025. Stay tuned for more info!
Venture brings relief to refugees fleeing violence, combats human trafficking, oppression & extreme poverty, and brings the hope of the gospel to unsafe, unreached, and under-resourced areas. There are many different ways for our church to get involved with Venture – it's a wide open door!
Standing Stone Ministries
Standing Stone provides free counseling to pastors who need somebody to help them get through the work of ministry.
Options for Women
Offering positive solutions for women making difficult choices; empowering them and supporting them afterward. They want everyone to know their options, and Hillside wants to support them in their mission. Options Mankato does not offer or refer for abortion or contraception.
Hillside Stewardship Fund
Looking forward to the future, we want to be actively saving towards whatever God might have in store for our church.
KJLY Kinship Radio
Kinship Radio exists to communicate that Jesus is Lord through worship and the word. They are serving the Mankato area to ensure that every person will have the opportunity to discover, know and grow in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Standing Stone provides free counseling to pastors who need somebody to help them get through the work of ministry.
Options for Women
Offering positive solutions for women making difficult choices; empowering them and supporting them afterward. They want everyone to know their options, and Hillside wants to support them in their mission. Options Mankato does not offer or refer for abortion or contraception.
Hillside Stewardship Fund
Looking forward to the future, we want to be actively saving towards whatever God might have in store for our church.
KJLY Kinship Radio
Kinship Radio exists to communicate that Jesus is Lord through worship and the word. They are serving the Mankato area to ensure that every person will have the opportunity to discover, know and grow in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.