Hillside Church Family,

A little over a year ago, we as a church made a decision to embrace Kingdom Builders as a vehicle to drive our mission’s heart through generous giving. Kingdom Builders is committed to extravagant generosity, that goes above-and-beyond the tithe, that supports missions, both locally and globally around the world. At that time, we set a goal for our first Miracle Offering at $100K  – and together you guys did it! In fact, you not only hit the goal, but you EXCEEDED THE GOAL!

Our theme this year is, “Go Beyond.” Now think about this: In Acts 1:8, Jesus said “you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

In essence Jesus was saying, “Go beyond where you are right now. Go beyond Jerusalem, go beyond Judea and even Samaria, and keep going to the ends of the earth.”

Then in Acts 2 we see this relatively small group of believers gathered together, waiting for this “promised power” – cooped up in an upper room in Jerusalem. And when the Holy Spirit fell on them, they were empowered – not to stay cooped up in Jerusalem, but to go beyond, just like Jesus said. And so we see them in the book of Acts, going into Judea, Samaria, and of course, the ends of the earth.

I believe Jesus has empowered us to not just go, but to GO BEYOND in many ways. This is not only our theme, but it is also our challenge to you. As a church we want to GO BEYOND our four walls, beyond our community, beyond our state and our nation! We want to GO BEYOND our comfort and beyond what we think we can do. So, with this in mind, we want to challenge you, both personally and collectively as a church body to GO BEYOND. Let’s go beyond what we did last year. Our goal last year for our Miracle Offering was $100K. This year our goal is $150,000! I believe we can do it!

I have often heard it said that “You can’t out give God.” The longer I live and the more I personally lean into this in my own life, the more I experience this to be true. The more I surrender to God and give to Him, the more He blesses me and uses me.

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 

I want to challenge each one of you to live all your life “for the glory of God.” Together let’s go beyond what we think we can do, and together, let’s do something glorious for him that will ring throughout eternity! Together as a church, let’s GO BEYOND and dream big! God can do more than we think He can.

Pastors Mark & Amy Miltimore

A New View on Missions

Priority One's Vision

Below: Sam and Joyce Johnson, founders of Priority One
PORTUGAL, 1974: A young couple, Sam and Joyce Johnson, were asked to help with the building of Mount Hope Bible School, a training center for believers located on 30 acres outside of Lisbon, Portugal. They had seen the joy of investing in this kind of work nearly a decade earlier in the neighboring nation of Spain, where they had assisted in the founding of a different Bible school.

Over the next 10 years they poured their lives into the Mount Hope project, which now facilitates 300 students, and is home to a conference center fit for 1000 people. The massive success of this project, and the impact they began to see on the nation of Portugal inspired in them a new vision for missions work.

While sending missionaries from our own local churches – and from the USA more broadly – will always be necessary, the building of Bible schools and training centers allows a different way to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Why not train up people to reach their own nation, just as we do in places where Christianity is more widely spread? They know the culture, the language, and the people in their homes much better than a foreign missionary could from the get-go.
Priority One was born in 2001 with the intention of bringing churches like Hillside into the work of seeing this new vision for missions realized. Since 2001, Priority One has been involved in building Ministry Training Centers in over 50 countries, some from the ground up, and others by building a dormitory, classroom, library, or chapel-whatever the need was.

That's 50 countries where quality, Bible-focused ministry schools are training people to go and share the gospel and to pastor their communities; 50 countries where somebody who has never heard the gospel now has the chance to hear it from somebody who looks, talks, and thinks like them.

The exciting thing about Priority One's mission is that it fits wonderfully with Hillside's desire to Empower to Go. By partnering with Priority One, we contribute directly to Ministry Training Centers, empowering those places to empower local believers to reach their communities.

In 2023, thanks in part to your generosity, Priority One was able to complete building Huldah Buntain Theological College in India, where the next generation of Indian Christian leaders are currently being trained.
Above: Huldah Buntain Theological College's grand opening.

Where Minnesota Gathers

Lake Geneva Christian Center

Above: The completed new construction at Lake Geneva Christian Center
ALEXANDRIA, MN: Since 1927, Lake Geneva Christian Center [LGGC] has been the gathering place for the Minnesota District of the Assemblies of God. Children, students, adults young and old all come together at LGGC with the expectation of powerful worship, preaching, and extended times in God’s presence.  It's a place where countless lives have been changed, and is remembered fondly by all who have walked its grounds.

Each summer more students come to Christ and experience the presence of the Lord. The number of campers at LGGC continues to grow year after year, a trend which continued with this last summer. In the past 5 years alone, they've seen a 20% overall increase in year-round campground usage. Because of this significant growth, the Minnesota District embarked on a quest to build a brand new hotel to accommodate more students.

We stand here a few years later with a completed building that is ready to host new guests – and it's nearly paid off! This project was funded by many, many churches across the state of Minnesota, including Hillside, proving that Lake Geneva is definitively the place where Minnesota gathers.

Thank you, Hillside, for generously giving towards this project. Because of your generosity, we were able to join the rest of our excellent district in making this happen. Because of your generosity, more lives will be changed forever by the presence of God. 
Above: the pool area inside the new hotel at Lake Geneva

God's Children Are Not For Sale

FREE International's Work to End Trafficking

Above: The Rescue Rig, F.R.E.E. International's mobile command center, which Hillside helped to fund. 
LAS VEGAS, NEVADA: Sin City, a stronghold of vice known the world over, is now the headquarters for a group of some of the greatest unsung heroes in our nation: F.R.E.E International.

F.R.E.E. International is an organization that works across the U.S. with local law enforcement, churches, schools, and local and state governments to raise awareness about human trafficking, to train local communities how to mobilize, and to rescue women and children out of human trafficking.

On July 4th, 2023, a movie titled The Sound of Freedom released in theaters across the United States. If you haven't seen the movie, here's some information about it.  The film outgrossed the new Indiana Jones movie, and caused people across our nation to start looking at the ugly side of America; the US is ranked in the top 3 worst countries in the world for human trafficking. The message that the movie left viewers with was this: God's children are not for sale. 

And that's precisely the reason that F.R.E.E. International does what it does.

We recently invited Jody Dyess from F.R.E.E. International to come and speak at our church, and he spoke on "the value of a soul." Pastor Mark and Pastor Luke had both had conversations with church members about how Hillside could get involved in the fight against trafficking just the week prior to Jody's coming. In fact, Jody wasn't on the schedule until a few days beforehand, when Pastor Mark decided to invite him to speak at some point in the future. But God had different plans.

Jody told Pastor Mark that, not only was he free the coming Sunday, but he was already in Minneapolis doing rescues with the F.R.E.E. International team. There are no coincidences in God's Kingdom.

The Lord is calling us to get involved in this fight, and so we are not only giving F.R.E.E. International Kingdom Builders support, but we are also adopting Jody and Wendy Dyess as missionaries whom we support through Kingdom Builders. In addition, we are looking for an opportunity to go and assist F.R.E.E. International on a missions trip in the near future.  
Above: A team of canvassers on an active search studies the missing children list.
Below: A F.R.E.E. International training session for first responders.

Building Up With the Joneses

Kingdom Builders... literally.

Above: Our Hillside team and the local community of believers stand in front of the church structure that Hillside built. 
ESWATINI, AFRICA: In 2022, Hillside was able to buy a vehicle for the Jones family, a missionary family that we support in Eswatini. The Jones family is actively involved in physically and spiritually building churches in Eswatini, and in 2023, we were able to send a team to help them do exactly that!

We sent 11 people over this last May with the objective to build a church, dig a well, and assist at an orphanage. They put in a lot of hard work and some very long days, the team accomplished all of these goals to the glory of God! This is the second church in Eswatini that Hillside has funded thanks to your generosity, but the first one built by Minnesotan hands.

Wells are community centers in Eswatini, and this one was put next to the church so that the community's spiritual needs will be met as well as its physical needs. Josh Pratt was one of the Hillside members who went over to Eswatini in May. "The trip left me with a burning desire to dig clean water wells," he says.

"My perspective changed when we were worshiping together, in their language," Pratt also says. "The Holy Spirit was present in a strong way. It was a glimpse of what Heaven will be like with every tribe and nation."

This is just the beginning of a really exciting new venture for Hillside: sending teams to go and partner with some of our beloved missionaries to assist them in something big!  This is something that we hope to provide opportunities for year after year. Have you ever thought about going on a missions trip? If not, you should!

"I think anybody can go on a mission trip," says Heather Luethje, who was also part of the team. "God gave every one of us our own personality, our own strengths, talents and passions. Mixed together with a group of others who are like-minded but yet so different can be used to serve and glorify Him like no other!"

One of our goals as a church is to Empower to Go, and that's something that we do through our Kingdom Builders giving: we empower others to go and share the good news of Jesus! But we also think that every believer (that means you!) needs to be empowered to go themselves. Keep your eyes, ears, and heart open for the next opportunity to go with your church family.
Above: The completed church building.
Below: The fresh water well.

Changing the City

Inner City Christian Ministries

Above: Hillsiders work on the construction of the ICCM's Life House
MINNEAPOLIS, MN: We've heard about Inner City Christian Ministries before; we had founder Chris Delaurentis join us last year during Kingdom Builders month and explain to us what ICCM is all about. He shared some amazing stories with us of how God has been changing lives through the Life Center in Minneapolis, as well as the vision of ICCM for a city that is transformed one life at a time. From ICCM's own website: their goal is to see people move "from homelessness, addiction, and abuse to having a renewed mind and life through the power of Jesus Christ. "

Last year, we heard about their newest project: the Life House. This is a 20-unit apartment building right next door to the Life Center.  ICCM purchased the apartment building in December of 2021, as part of their long-term goal to build healthy communities in their neighborhood. The vision for the Life House is to provide community housing rentals that offer safe spaces and healthy relationships to overcome the life challenges that most inner city families face on a daily basis.

In 2023, not only did we provide funding for the new project, but we also provided manpower! The apartment building needs a full-scale renovation – which is currently ongoing – and ICCM is fixing it all up with help from churches across the state. Back in January of 2023, we sent a team of people up for a few days to assist ICCM, both in the construction on the Life House (for those who were so inclined) and also in helping their day-to-day operation, which included organizing their ever-full donation center. The team was able to make a large impact in a short timeframe!

This project is one near and dear to our Minnesotan hearts, as the Life Center changes the face of Minneapolis one life at a time by sharing the gospel of Jesus. Thank you, Hillside, for giving to Kingdom Builders and supporting ICCM's vision of a healed Minneapolis. We look forward to sending a team to help with ICCM projects in the future!
Above and Below: Hillsiders help organize the donation center at ICCM

2023 Projects

These are the projects we were able to support/accomplish over the last year!
Convoy of Hope
Provides disaster relief, compassion, and outreach wherever catastrophe strikes. This international organization is known for their quick, effective presence. In 2023, they assisted with the earthquakes in West Asia, the fires in Maui, and many more disasters.

Priority One
Priority One is dedicated to Christian leadership development through the building of Bible training centers around the world. They are committed to raising up a new generation of leaders who are empowered to take the gospel to every nation, tribe, people, and language around the world. In 2023, they completed the construction of Huldah Buntain Theological College in India.

The vision of Project42 is to help raise awareness and resources for the 42% of the world that has little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Project42 carefully identifies and collaborates with some of the very best missionaries and organizations working on the frontlines of the most difficult and dangerous places providing access to those still without access to the gospel. In 2023, Project42 was involved in starting 1500 new churches, and saw 37,000 new Christians come to know Jesus.

Lake Geneva Christian Center
An Assemblies of God campground that provides a space for groups and churches to host camps, conferences, and retreats. In 2023, we helped them complete their new hotel construction!

Speed the Light
This is the Assemblies of God's youth giving program. They provide vehicles and tools for missionaries across the world to access hard-to-reach places and peoples. Last year, the students at Hillside gave $79,162.96 to Speed the Light!
Africa's Hope
Africa’s Hope equips and resources over 23,000 emerging leaders through the efforts of more than 380 Bible colleges and training programs. In the last year, they translated study resources and bibles into 19 languages; equipped church facilities with technology, including 5 new computer labs;  installed printing systems in 4 countries; and developed multiple classroom buildings and libraries.

Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge
BGMC is the missions education program for all kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost. They have a two-fold purpose, to reach the children of the world and to create a heart of compassion in kids. Last year, the kids at Hillside gave $9,012.48 to BGMC!

Inner City Christian Ministries
ICCM Life Center is an urban ministry center in Minneapolis, MN, committed to transforming impoverished people through the power of Jesus Christ. We sent a team in January 2023 to help in building their new Life House.

Chi Alpha
This nationwide ministry places missionaries on college campuses. They do outreach, evangelism, and are known for their excellent discipleship. In 2023, 17,000 students participated in Chi Alpha across the nation, and 3000 of those gave their lives to Jesus because of Chi Alpha's ministry! 

MN Adult and Teen Challenge
Providing Christian  recovery programming for those in Minnesota who have substance-abuse issues. Hillside is a proud sponsor of this ministry, and look forward to helping them in whatever venture is next!

Hillside Stewardship Fund
We have been actively saving towards whatever God might have in store for our church. This is our stewardship of God's call to reach our community.

Standing Stone Ministries
Studies show that Pastors are leaving the ministry in droves, usually due to burn out. Standing Stone provides free counseling to pastors who need somebody to help them get through the work of ministry.

The Love Initiative
Providing benevolence and assistance to local families in need through the giving of gas cards, grocery cards, and more.

College Scholarships
Hillside provided a number of scholarships for young people attending schools of ministry. We believe in the next generation.

The REACH Youth Drop-In Center
This ministry in Mankato provides youth with a variety of services, including basic needs, housing and shelter options, and support and education.

Sarreen Ministries
This group provides ministry, outreach, and evangelism to the large Somali population of Minneapolis.

Gentle Shepherd Ministries
This local ministry goes to a place often overlooked by churches: nursing homes. They bring relationship and evangelism in where it doesn't often go. 

Our Missionaries

These are our missionaries whom we love and support! Their last names will be omitted for safety if they are in a sensitive area (it protects them from an online search).
Travis & Kari 
Arab World (Sensitive)

Jon & Jennifer Dahlager
Costa Rica

Troy & Heidi Darrin

Tim & Susanna
East Africa (Sensitive)

Mark & Janie Durene

Don & Dawn Eischens

Mark & Anjali Jones

Al & Stephanie
Central Eurasia (Sensitive)

Michael Reini
Paul & Robyn Kramer

Dareth & Thida Ly

Luke & Tanya McKinley

Bob McKay

Steve & Natalie 
Arab World (Sensitive)

Karl & Sarah Pasche

Charles & Tahnya Porter

Phil & Denise Reed

Micah & Essie 
The Silk Road (Sensitive)

Bob & Barb VanWyk
Tanzania (Sensitive)

Wayne & Natalie 
Central Eurasia (Sensitive)

Patrick & Kalyna Stitt

Mike & Brooke 
Arab World (Sensitive)

Phil & Katja Zarns

Chris & Monica Delaurentis
Minneapolis, MN [ICCM]

Jody & Wendy Dyess
F.R.E.E. International [USA]

James & Cara Tilus 
Minneapolis, MN [U of M Chi Alpha]

Tim & Rachel Wentz
Mankato, MN [MSU Chi Alpha]

Sam & Joyce Johnson
Priority One

2024 Projects

These are organizations with projects that we would like to fund in 2024. Consider them in prayer as you ask God to lead you in your giving!
Priority One
Starting, building, and maintaining Bible Schools for the next generation of pastors all over the world. We would like to help them tackle a building project next year.

Project 42
42% of the world has little or no access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This organization seeks to overcome that issue through mobilization, scripture translation, church planting, and compassion.

F.R.E.E. International
This ministry rescues women and children out of human trafficking in the USA – the 3rd worst nation in the world for human trafficking. We are hoping to partner with them in more ways than one... stay tuned!
Convoy of Hope
We will continue to support Convoy of Hope in their disaster relief efforts to be the hands and feet of Christ.

Inner City Christian Ministries
We will be sending teams up to Minneapolis to help ICCM continue their construction of the Life House, an apartment building for those in need.

Hillside Missions Trip 2024
We hope to send a team to help out one of our missionaries in 2024. Stay tuned for more info!

KJLY Kinship Radio
Kinship Radio exists to communicate that Jesus is Lord through worship and the word. They are serving the Mankato area to ensure that every person will have the opportunity to discover, know and grow in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Standing Stone Ministries
Standing Stone provides free counseling to pastors who need somebody to help them get through the work of ministry.

Options for Women
Offering positive solutions for women making difficult choices; empowering them and supporting them afterward. They want everyone to know their options, and Hillside wants to support them in their mission. Options Mankato does not offer or refer for abortion or contraception.

Hillside Stewardship Fund
Looking forward to the future, we want to be actively saving towards whatever God might have in store for our church.

Lake Geneva Christian Center
We may continue our support in partnership with the Minnesota District to help pay off the new hotel on the grounds!

The Kingdom is growing through your generosity.

Thank you.